Information on the processing of personal data of users who consult the T Bridge website in accordance with art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Why this information

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as “Regulation”), this page describes the methods of personal data processing of users who visit the website of the T Bridge S.p.A. company accessible at the following address:

These informations does not concern other sites, pages or online services accessible through hypertext links that may be published on the site but refer to the outside resources to domain.

Data related to identified or identifiable people may be processed after consulting the website.

Data controller

The data controller is T Bridge S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as BV TECH) located in Milan, at Genova, in Via G. Garibaldi, 7/10 i in person of the Chairman of the Board and pro-tempore legal representative, which can be contacted at the following references: e-mail:

Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer (c.d. Data Protection Officer or D.P.O.) pursuant to art. 37 of the GDPR, domiciled for the function at the same offices and contactable to the following references: e-mail:

Legal basis of the processing

The personal data indicated on this page are processed by T Bridge for purposes related to the execution of a contract to which it is a part or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at its request (ex: contact request, request for a quote, request for product catalogues, job offers (art. 6 letter b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

Types of data processed and purpose of processing

Navigation data

During their normal operation, the computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this site acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This data category includes the users IP addresses or domain names of computers and terminals, the addresses in URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) notation of the requested resources, the time request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user.

These data are necessary for the use of web services and are also processed for the purpose of:

obtain statistical information on the services use (most visited pages, number of visitors by time or day, unique visitors, geographical areas of origin, etc.); check the correct functioning of the services offered.

The site is provided by the Akamai CDN. The security logs processed by Akamai expire in 30 days while the web server logs expire in 52 weeks.

Data provided by the user

Optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to BV TECH contact addresses, private messages sent by users to FORMAT/APP on the company website (where this possibility is foreseen) and to institutional social media profiles/pages (where this possibility is provided), involve the acquisition of the sender contact data necessary to respond as well as all personal data included in the communications.

Data recipients

The personal data indicated on this page are processed by T Bridge for purposes related to the execution of a contract to which it is a part or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at its request (ex: contact request, request for a quote, request for product catalogues, job offers (art. 6 letter b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

By supporting controls and predictive assessments AI allows the strengthening of Service Desks with fully automated first-level responses.

The design and implementation of Business Analytics, which uses the main tools of Business Intelligence or algorithms written, allows the statistical study of information available to financial institutions, highlighting strengths and weaknesses and facilitating corrective action.

Cookies and other tracking systems

This section provides detailed information about the way of use of cookies: how they are used by the site and how to manage them in compliance with the “Cookie guidelines and other tracking tools” issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority on 10 June 2021.

The Site does not use cookies or other methods of tracking for users profiling, but only technical cookies necessary for the Site proper functioning that allow, for example, browsing pages and a user’s login credentials storage to keep the session active while browsing. The use of these cookie is not instrumental to the collection of user identifyingpersonal data, for this reason we do not need your consent to store cookies.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google LLC or Google Ireland Limited depending on the location where this Website is displayed (“Google”).

Google Analytics collects the following information with the default implementation:

Number of users; Session statistics; Approximate geographical location; Browser and device information.

When collecting data Google Analytics 4 does not record or store IP addresses. Also:

AThe retention period of data on user-generated events is 2 months; Analytics deletes any IP addresses collected on EU users before registering this data via domains and servers located in the EU.

Analytics provides approximate geographic location data by deriving the following metadata from IP addresses: city (plus the city’s derived latitude and longitude), continent, country, region, subcontinent (and ID-based equivalents). About the EU traffic: IP addresses data are used exclusively for the origin of geographical location data before being deleted. the data are not recorded, made available or used for any other purpose.

Third-party cookies

Some third-party cookies are installed through the website. Are reported in detail individual third-party cookies details and links through which the user can receive more information and request the deactivation of cookies.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically but it’s possible to refuse them. If all cookies are disabled the site may not function properly. If you do not want to receive or store cookies you can change the security settings of the used browser according to the instructions made available by the relevant providers to the links indicated below.




Microsoft Edge


Processing of personal data through the T Bridge social media platforms

As part of its purposes, exclusively to manage interactions with users (comments, public posts, etc.) and in compliance with current legislation, T Bridge processes the personal data provided by users through the pages of the Social Media platforms dedicated to this company.

Regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the managers of the Social Media platforms used by BV TECH, please refer to the information provided by them through their respective privacy policies.

Interested users can read the privacy notices provided by the following parties:




Rights of data subjects

In the cases provided the data subjects have the right to obtain from T Bridge the access to their personal data and the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing that concerns them or to oppose the same processing (art. 15 and ss. of the Regulation).

The request is submitted by contacting the T Bridge Head Office located in Milan, at Via G. Garibaldi, 7/10 in person of the Chairman of the Board and legal representative pro-tempore, contactable at the following references: e-mail: or the Data Protection Officer domiciled for the function at the same offices and can be contacted at the following references:



Right to complain

Data subjects who believe that the processing of personal data related to them carried out through this site occurs in violation of the Regulation have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor as provided by art. 77 of the same Regulation, or to appeal to the appropriate courts (art. 79 of the Regulation).

Follow us on social media

7/10 G. Garibaldi Street,
16124 Genoa
Tel.: +39 010. 5769111
Fax: +39 010. 5531185


T Bridge S.p.A. single-member company subject to the management and coordination of BV TECH S.p.A.
Tax code and VAT number 01201580998 –
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